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Rescatar la memoria.



Entre 1938 y 1945,  más de siete mil  españoles encontraron la muerte en los campos de concentración nazis. La mayor parte de ellos en el de Mauthausen, situado en Austria. 
 Obligados a trabajar hasta la extenuación, hacinados en barracones, desatendidos, mal alimentados, vejados, golpeados, torturados una y otra vez, los prisioneros de Mauthausen padecieron la peor de las crueldades . 

Españoles que fueron víctimas del nazismo y, en cierta medida, víctimas del  desprecio ,del olvido y del  opaco silencio de su propio país.

Song of songs

How beautiful is my love
With her care in her daily dress
And with the comb in her hair.
No-one knew that she's so beautiful .

You girls of Auschwitz,
You Dachau girls,
Have you seen my love, perchance?

We saw her on her long journey.
She no longer wore her dress
Nor her comb in her hair.

How beautiful is my love,
Pampered by her loving mother,
And her brother's kisses.
No-one knew that she's so beautiful.

You girls of Mathausen,
You girls of Belsen,
Have you seen my love, perchance?

We saw her standing in the frozen courtyard,
With a number on her white arm,
A yellow star over her heart.

How beautiful is my love,
Pampered by her loving mother,
And her brother's kisses.
No-one knew that she's so beautiful.

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